Chandramohan "Charlie" Sharma is a street fighter who has been yearning for revenge from the renowned security supplier and owner of Shalimar Securities, Charan Grover, for eight years. Grover got Charlie's father, Manohar Sharma, wrongfully arrested as a thief because Grover had conned Manohar into stealing his own diamonds worth $15 million. Diamonds worth 300 crore ($39.48 million) will reach the Atlantis Hotel, Dubai on Christmas Eve. Charlie wants to steal the diamonds and frame Grover. To accomplish this, he assembles a team; Ex-Captain Jagmohan "Jag" Prakash, a hard-of-hearing strongman, Tehamton Tammilo "Tammy" Irani, an old and seizure-prone safecracker who was Manohar's best friend, Rohan Singh, a young intelligent hacker who is Jag's nephew, and Nandu Bhide, a lookalike of Charan's son Vicky Grover.
Rajeev Masand of CNN-IBN gave 2.5 stars out of 5, commenting "You'll find yourself chuckling and cringing alternately while watching Happy New Year, in which director Farah Khan skillfully sets up a heist plot against an international dance competition scenario. Its a curious premise, and Farah brings many of the same elements that she applied to good use in Main Hoon Na and Om Shanti Om, namely lots of self-referencing, affectionate nods to 70s Bollywood, and the ability to occasionally laugh at oneself."[70] Anupama Chopra gave 2 out of 5 stars and said "It is frantic, noisy, gaudy and, largely, joyless. Farah takes the framework of the traditional heist movie and bungs in revenge, melodrama, comedy, romance, countless dazzling dance sequences and, as a climactic flourish, a dose of patriotism."[71]
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