the last time this happened for me, Google drive stopped allowing me to save from my mid 09 macbook to google drive. I could read fine, but couldn't save files back to Google Drive. now on my mid 12 macbook pro, with mac OS High Sierra 10.13, with this message, i'm going to move to Dropbox.
Google Drive For Mac Os Sierra
Note: Some Mac users can't create shared drives in Drive for desktop. As a workaround, they can create shared drives in their browser at This issue will be resolved in a future release.
If you are reading this, it could be because you googled the phrase 'Drive File Stream encountered a problem and has stopped.' If that is the case, rest assured you are not alone - hold steady, the solution is at hand.
Now, that you have the downloaded ISO/ DMG file, create a bootable disk using a USB, once the bootable device is ready, insert the bootable driver into the system, restart the computer and boot with the bootable device(USB), now, the computer will start using the media file on
The preview panel shows you useful information about the selected file. It lets you playback audio and video files, inspect images, PDFs, and other popular document types. You can do quick edits on a text file in place, both on local drives and remote servers.
Use the Multi Rename tool when you need to rename a large number of files on your local drives or remote servers. Change case, replace text using regular expressions, add dates or sequences, and combine them in a saved preset.
I am having a number of issues. I am uploading several terabytes of data from an external hard drive, so I expected it to be a slow process. Unfortunately, I am running into issues with the desktop application.
Hi @timsilva,I think most of what you are seeing is just overhead, as odrive is trying to index and track millions of objects. This sounds like a pretty massive data set you are bulk uploading, so I highly recommend trying to break up the set.
Another thing that can be extremely helpful is to unsync sections that have already completed syncing to the cloud. This reduces the terrain that odrive needs to cover and relieves overhead processing.
Thanks for the follow-up @timsilva! The context menus acting a bit weird is not abnormal when odrive is cranking through things. I usually recommend just leaving it alone to do its thing, if possible.
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Please upgrade to macOS High SierraPosted on01-19-2022 11:08 AM .share-msg float: right;position: relative; .logo-share padding: 0px 20px; border: 1px solid #1a73e8; border-radius: 5px; color: #1a73e8; margin: 0; .list-shares display: none; background-color: white; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid lightgrey; position: absolute; width: 175px; z-index: 1; .copyURLs color: #1a73e8; .linked:hover background-color: #2095f0; color: white; .twitter:hover background-color: #2095f0; color: white; .copyURLs:hover background-color: #2095f0; color: white; .linked, .twitter, .copyURL padding-left: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; line-height: 28px; .linkeds, .twitters, .copyURLs text-decoration:none !important; .logo-shares max-width: 20px; padding-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 2px; .post-tile margin-left: 3px; font-size: 16px; .logo-linked, .logo-twitter, .logo-CopyUrl max-width: 25px; padding-right: 8px; .copyURLs width: inherit; background: white; border: none; text-align: left; padding: inherit; width: -webkit-fill-available; .lia-body .lia-thread-reply .share-msg display: none;.BlogArticlePage .lia-quilt-blog-topic-message .list-shares margin-top: 0;.BlogArticlePage .lia-quilt-blog-topic-message .share-msg margin-top: 70px; Share this topic 2ff7e9595c
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